// Mup vs. 6.1 - http://www.arkkra.com // This source code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. // To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ // or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. // in the United States of America. // // The hymn produced by this source code is under copyright by the owner, John Matteis and is made available under // the terms of the Creative Commons Attribute-ShareAlike 3.0 license // Hymn Scripture References: // v 1a: 2Pe 1:16-17, Mt 17:1-8, Heb 1:3, Jn 3:16; v 1b: Heb 1:7-10, Col 1:16, Jn 1:3, Heb 12:2; // v 2a: Php 2:5-11, Ac 2:33, Jn 3:16, Ac 1:8; v 2b: Mt 28:18-20, Jn 10:27-30, Jn 14:15-17, Mt 28:20, Jn 15:13-15; // v 3a: Eph 2:14, Rev 3:20, 1Pe 5:5-6, Heb 13:8, Ro 8:35-39; v 3b: Php 2:5-11; // v 4a: 1Co 15:51-52, 1Th 4:16-18; v 4b: Jn 3:16, 1Co 2:9-12, Mt 28:20 // Hymn Source: http://musescore.com/user/19906/scores/34090 // Copyright: 2011 // Transcribed by: Ted Gatza, Jr. 07/21/2013 // HymnsToGod.org // **************************************** top title bold (19) "" "In Praise Of His Glory" "" title (2)"" title (11) "C - 2 - DO" "\s(17)\f(TI)\:to\ the\ praise\ of\ the\ glory\^\ of\ his\ grace,\ which\ he\ freely bestowed\ on\ us\ in\ t\^he\ Beloved:\ -\ Eph.\ 1:6""" title (13) "John Mattheis" " " "John Mattheis, 2011" footer title (11) "" "\s(16)\f(TI)\:Copyright\ (c)\ 201\|1\ by\ John\ Mattheis This\ work\ is\ made\ availa\|ble\ under\ the\ terms\ of\ the Creative\ Commons\ Attribu\^tion-ShareAlike\ 3.0\ license" "HymnsToGod.org" score label="" packexp = 0.0 packfact = 1.0 pad = 0 vscheme = 2f staffscale=1.0 scoresep=6,20 scorepad=0 scale = .73 lyricssize = 13 pageheight=9.0 pagewidth=6.0 topmargin=.200 bottommargin=.200 withfontfamily=palatino noteheads = "isostri semicirc diam righttri norm rect pie" staffs=2 time=6/4 key=c major staff 2 key=c major clef=bass // **************************************** music define VERSE lyrics between 1&2: @ define DSVERSE lyrics below 2: @ midi all: 0 "tempo=90"; //1 1 1: 4c+e; be; af; 2ge; 4e; 1 2: 4s;;; 2; 4e; 2: 4e+c; e+e; c+f; 2c+c; 4c+b-; VERSE "<1. >-1|Ma-jes-ty seen: Trans-"; VERSE "<2. >-1|Hu-mil-i-ty: For"; VERSE "<3. >-1|He is our peace: His"; VERSE "<4. >-1|Mys-ter-y ends: Arch-"; bar //2 1: 4.ae; 8ge; 4fd; 2.ec; 2: 4.c+a-; 8c+c; 4ad; 2.aa-; VERSE "fig-ured in light,"; VERSE "mor-tals He died,"; VERSE "friend-ship is real,"; VERSE "an-gel's voice sounds!"; bar //3 1 1: 4fc; ec; db-; 2ca-; 4c; 1 2: 4s;;; 2; 4c; 2: 4af-; gg-; 4eg#-; 2ea-; 4c+c; VERSE "Grace in-ter-vened: To"; VERSE "grand vic-to-ry: He"; VERSE "in-ner re-lease: When"; VERSE "God's Son de-scends! Last"; bar //4 1: 4.db-; 8eb-; 4fd; 2.gd; 2 1: 4.g; 8ge; 4ad; 2.bg-; 2 2: 4.g; 8s; 4; 2.; VERSE "give us true sight;"; VERSE "rose to God's side;"; VERSE "hum-bly we kneel;"; VERSE "trum-pet re-sounds!"; bar //5 1 1: 4c+g; bg; af; 2g; 4e; 1 2: 4s;;; f slur; e; e; 2: 4e+c; e+e; 4c+f; 2c+c; 4c+b-; VERSE "Ra-di-ance of: God's"; VERSE "Sing of God's love: And"; VERSE "Ev-er the same: His"; VERSE "Words that fore-see: And"; bar //6 1: 4.ae; 8ge; 4fd; 2.ec; 2: 4.c+a-; 8c+c; 4ad; 2.aa-; VERSE "glo-ry out-poured,"; VERSE "Heav-en's re-ward,"; VERSE "love is out-poured,"; VERSE "con-fort af-ford:"; bar //7 1 1: 4fc; ec; db-; 2ca-; 4c; 1 2: 4s;;; 2; 4c; 2: 4af-; gg-; eg#-; 2ea-; 4fa&-; VERSE "gift from a-bove: Christ"; VERSE "wit-ness the love: Of"; VERSE "hon-or His name: Christ"; VERSE "ev-er we'll be: With"; bar //8 1: 4.gc; 8ec; 4db-; 2.cg-; 2: 4.eg-; 8; 4fg-; 2.ec; VERSE "Je-sus our Lord."; VERSE "Je-sus our Lord."; VERSE "Je-sus our Lord."; VERSE "Je-sus our Lord."; bar //9 1: 4ge; ae; bf; 2c+e; 4ge; 2: 4c+g; 4c+e; 4gd; 2gc; 4c+c; VERSE "U-ni-verse vast: Foun-"; VERSE "Heav-en and earth: Au-"; VERSE "His ho-ly Name: Each"; VERSE "Fa-ther be praised: Who"; bar //10 1: 4.bg; 8ge; 4ae; 2.gd; 2: 4.d+b-; 8c+c; 4c+e; 2.bg; VERSE "da-tions He laid,"; VERSE "thor-i-ty spans,"; VERSE "tongue will con-fess,"; VERSE "gave us His Son!"; bar //11 1: 4ge; ae; bf; 2c+e; 4ge; 2: 4c+g; c+e; 4gd; 2gc; 4c+c; VERSE "life now and past: Through"; VERSE "Graced by new birth: Se-"; VERSE "His ho-ly Name: Bent"; VERSE "Sav-ior be praised: Sal-"; bar //12 1: 4.bg; 8ge; 4ae; 2.ge; 2: 4.d+b-; 8c+c; 4c+e; 2.be; VERSE "Christ, all things made;"; VERSE "cure in God's hands;"; VERSE "knees will ad-dress;"; VERSE "va-tion was won!"; bar //13 1: 4gd; e+c+; d+g; 2c+e; 4bg; 2: 4gb-; gc; bd; 2ge; 4e+g; VERSE "Will-ing He came: God's"; VERSE "Christ by our sides: Our"; VERSE "In high ac-claim: The"; VERSE "Spir-it be praised: Re-"; bar //14 1: 4.ae; 8ge; 4fc; 2.gd; 2: 4.c+e; 8c+c; 4c+a-; 2.bg-; VERSE "fav-or re-stored,"; VERSE "Friend and our Lord,"; VERSE "Fa-ther a-dored,"; VERSE "veal-ing work done!"; bar //15 1 1: 4gb-; eb-; db-; 2ca-; 4c; 1 2: 4s;;; 2; 4c; 2: 4be-; gg-; eg#-; 2ea-; 4fa&-; VERSE "Rev-erence His Name: Christ"; VERSE "Spir-it con-fides: As"; VERSE "Rev-erence His Name: Christ"; VERSE "Voi-ces be raised: To"; bar //16 1: 4.gc; 8ec; 4db-; 2.cg-; 2: 4.eg-; 8; 4fg-; 2.ec; VERSE "Je-sus our Lord."; VERSE "home, we walk toward."; VERSE "Je-sus our Lord."; VERSE "God In Three: One!"; endbar